The Department of Vocational Teacher Education at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (Previously HiOA) together with the Nordic research network on vocational education and training, take much pleasure in welcoming you to this year’s NORDYRK 2018 conference
(informasjon på norsk finnes her)
The conference is a meeting place for those involved in research and development work in the field of vocational pedagogy and didactics.
Theme: Vocational training between school and the workplace
Date: Monday 11 June – Wednesday 13 june, 2018
The deadline for conference registration is 10th April 2018 – the registration portal can be found here
You can also follow us on the Facebook side; Nordyrk 2018
The Conference fee is 3,250 NOK and includes:
- Coffee and refreshments each day
- Lunch each day
- Dinner on Monday and Tuesday evenings
- the guided tour of the Norwegian Opera and Ballet
Aspects of the theme which may be emphasised are:
• Transfer of learning between school and workplaces
• Comprehensive education and training within different arenas
• Transitions between learning contexts and between education and work.
• Cooperation between participants in different arenas (teachers, trainers, etc.)
• Digitization in school with a view to working life
• Emphasis on generic skills / core competencies in schools and workplaces
• Vocational teachers role between school and workplaces
In Norway we are currently marking YRKESFAGENES ÅR
The program will also allow for a review of the Networks history.
The program will be finalized and available during February.
As in previous years, the program will consist of plenary sessions, paper presentations, symposia and workshops.
Your abstract should be submitted no later than 10th February to Kate Milosavljevic –
The abstract should be between 300 and 400 words and contain the author’s name, email address, purpose, theoretical framework, method/research design, and (preliminary) results. Notice of acceptance will be sent by the 23rd of March.
please note what kind of presentation you are preparing – paper, symposium, work in progress, research results etc.
Articles may, optionally, be published in The Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (NJVET), normal review procedures.
Day 1 of the conference takes place at Campus Kjeller, OsloMet (HiOA).
Directions can be found here.
Days 2 and 3 of the conference will take place at the Scandic hotell Lillestrøm
The programme starts with lunch at 12.00 noon on Monday 11th June and finishes with lunch on Wednesday 13th June at 12.30 pm.
Dinner will be at the the Scandic hotel on the first evening, and on Tuesday afternoon a guided tour to the Norwegian Opera and Ballet in Oslo is planned, followed by dinner.
Please note that this must be arranged and paid for by participants directly to the hotel. Rooms are reserved at the following two hotels.
Scandic Lillestrøm – single/double per night: 1510/1710,- NOK.
Reference: OsloMet
Additional rooms are available at Scandic Byporten, Oslo centre (10-20 minutes by train to Lillestrøm) – singelrom per rom/natt: 2190,-NOK.
Reference: 46455478